Ok really tried with updating with patch/full and program won't start. Attached are two documents. IClone WER Crash dump document and screen capture. Please help figure this out and correct. Thanks,...More
Problem: iClone 7 makes editing visemes needlessly difficult to edit and causes the user to make errors. There is a misleading cue in iC7, when a viseme is selected you make a logical assumption that clicking on a viseme on the lips editor will cause the highlighted viseme to change but it...More
Every time I leave a project I was working on in iClone and work on other projects or put my PC in hibernation, after, if I go back to using iClone, it crashes, dependably. If I work on other ram memory intensive projects, Photoshop, Video editing, etc. and I go back to using iClone it crashes...More
Before the update in late January 2019, I was able to adjust the hue and saturation of my IBL. Now the IBL color adjuster does not work unless I toggle the sRBG on and off. Even when I toggle the sRBG on and off, it still does not work as good as it used to. I hope this gets fixed real soon...More
Hi, I have an issue when installing iClone 7, the error when starting is "DX11 error: device or driver is unsupported", the specs of the machine is Windows 10, 64 bit,...More
If you want to replace a existing texture as in >, I double click on the picture, to open an other texture. Then the open popup came, and then the program freezes. You need to delete the texture first if you want to replace it...More
iClone Render (Image Sequence) would skip iterations while rendering dark scenes under certain camera angles. To reproduce, download a sample project: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q32gl2au1k4fkjt/iClone_Renderer_Skip_Samples.iProject?dl=0 and follow steps in the video, where you may clearly...More
I was able to render, as part of timeline, 2D Image Layer Videos as-of iClone 7.3x, but in 7.41 they no longer render. In 7.41 only the first frame of a 2D Image Layer video renders, and this first frame renders consecutively throughout the entire timeline. You can scrub through said 2D...More
After I add some material AddDiffuseKey and AddGlossinessKey keys to the timeline with my python script I now find that after playing the sequence they do not show on the timeline. This did not happen before I updated to 7.41. Regards...More
The "iClone Render" terminology is confusing and can cause problems. When people are talking to each other, are they talking about the iClone native renderer, or an Iray render? DESIRED OUTCOME: Change the terminology to "In-session Render."...More