It is very disappointing that with digital shaders texture you went back to the way texture was linked in iCone 6. Most of the files there in "Digital_Human_Shader_Resource\CC3" folder are not optimized at all and as is, cannot be embedded since it would result in overgrown project size and...More
1) I load a project (nothing fancy: 70k triangles, 1.6GB textures); 2) I work on it a bit, do some mocap, previewing things, no big deal; 3) I save the project and open a new one with "open project" command;...More
I saw that the software offer the feature of making paths however, it would be nice to have the option to import svg or at least use 3dExchange to convert a svg/eps to iClone. I was trying to make an effect of a particle following the outline of my logo and it isn't easy to achieve. That path...More
When I run the latest update/patch to iclone 7.22 it tells me disk full but it has many gig of space available. How much space does this patch need? RSVP This procedure really sucks where the F do you store the newly created zip...More
The sound doesn't play for voice or background sound since I updated to iClone 7.82. If I record a video file from within iClone 7.82 and play the video file I can hear the voice and sound that is export with the video but I can't hear the sound when played in the Timeline. This was working...More
A default Shadow Catcher is a good example. Looks like a glow map was part of it at some point during development. And it would emit with grayed out value. See the screenshot....More
When you create a key with ex: ...SetData("Position/PositionX"... and then try set the key type with object.GetControl("Transform").SetKeyTransition(...) It wont set the transition type in the new key...More