Let's try again. Hiding a Path should make it Unselectable. When you hide a typical object in your scene, say a sphere or avatar, YOU CAN NO LONGER SELECT IT IN THE VIEWPORT. This is correct behaviour. When you hide a PATH in your scene, (a path!), YOU CAN STILL SELECT IT IN THE VIEWPORT...More
Link to #892: http://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Can-we-customize-the-GREEN-UI-colour a) The issue is not solved b) Unable to add a comment to a "Solved" issue...More
I applied the walk forward motion to mason but he won't walk forward as normal. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have recorded a screenshot video for the animation to have a look and help with a possible fix, so that I can continue my project. below is the YouTube link to the video screenshot...More
When a scene has many paths, especially large ones, it becomes impossible to select other objects in the viewport because the path gets selected first. Hiding objects makes them unselectable, so why doesn't hiding paths make them unselectable?...More
I have a large project, it is a three minute long shot, and it has started crashing while rendering in iClone. It is very large, about 900mB. Is there a way to find out why the scene is crashing or what I should remove in order to render it? I can send a link to the project via DropBox....More
I have studied a couple tutorials and the iClone help manual. The manual says “The value of the camera lens for Panorama Videos is strict. Therefore, you are not allowed to customize this value when the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on.” Both tutorials I looked at showed frame size...More
It has already been sent to the support team and screenshots: The problem has been when rendering, that I have tried to do for ranges (1-1000, 1-3000 ...) and at one time or another the application stops working. I have happened with both MP4, AVI, 360 VR, removing supersampling and high quality...More