Link to #892: a) The issue is not solved b) Unable to add a comment to a "Solved" issue...More
I have bought numerous things in your store. When I want to buy a new offer, it takes time to check if I own some pack (For example, the 100 CC models are sold with Hair style, I am not sure to have it, I have to parse all the history to find it). Here's my suggestions:...More
The feedback tracker could do with some usability enhancements. Lets have the "product specific landing page" as a Dashboard, with features like: 1. Graphs e.g. pie charts showing raised requests v/s Assigned/hold/Completed; filtered by request types etc etc 2. "always on lists" - like the...More
I applied the walk forward motion to mason but he won't walk forward as normal. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have recorded a screenshot video for the animation to have a look and help with a possible fix, so that I can continue my project. below is the YouTube link to the video screenshot...More