iClone 6
Issue 391
Please add "Feedback Tracker App" to Feedback Tracker.
The feedback tracker could do with some usability enhancements. Lets have the "product specific landing page" as a Dashboard, with features like:

1. Graphs e.g. pie charts showing raised requests v/s Assigned/hold/Completed; filtered by request types etc etc

2. "always on lists" - like the top 10 user requests showing on one panel/section of page (e.g. left side)

3. Dev. Progress bar (or gauge) per user request (graphical) or groups

4. Grouping of related / regression linked requests into request families

5. Overall dev roadmap graphically presented as a timeline. Clicking on each version would expand the dev backlog allowing users to see a more detailed view of the dev roadmap. The same can be done for content. This approach will enable users to plan ahead and budget for new releases etc.

[6.42 date]----------[now]--->[6.5beta_x ETA]------------------->[6.5RC ETA]----------------->[6.99 ETA]------------->[7.0 ETA]

The [now] button would move to the right as dev progresses, coinciding with the schedule.

Good day.
OS: Windows 7
  •  5
  •  2497
Submitted bypmaina
Noted. I think it's part of scope control to ensure users choose the 10 most important enhancements so that RL doesn't get overwhelmed.

Its an interesting approach and users are adapting their voting patterns accordingly. I don't vote for bugs for example because bugs have to be fixed anyway.

If a suggestion I voted on gets "assigned", I immediately reclaim my vote and put it elsewhere.

1 Million Monkeys + Keyboard
Actually please ignore my previous comment as it is probably incorrect. The issue surfaced because Feedback Tracker pops the message "Voted Max 10" when a user has voted for 10 entries and attempts to vote on 1 more. This message appears even if that 1 additional entry has zero votes at the time.

So basically each user can only vote on 10 entries here.
1 Million Monkeys + Keyboard
Another maybe less funny thing is that it's possible to only give a maximum of 10 votes for a suggestion.

Reallusion would have a better visibility on the "desirability" of a request (esp. when compared to other requests here) if they set the possible maximum to a lot higher number.
hehehe, I have no issues with that. :-)
1 Million Monkeys + Keyboard
Another kind of funny thing with the Feedback Tracker is that it allows a person to vote on their own entries...