Add possibility to right click over colors to copy rgb value and then right click to another Color Value to paste it. Especially usefull while working with airs patches...More
Hi, While making characters, I Know that I will only work with symmetrical Morphs. But I noticed that while using sliders, I have to constantly taking care about what the name of the slider is because I Have to Avoid Unsymmetrical modifiers,...More
Dear Reallusion, we’re in dare need of your products on Linux. You produce incredible packages (a little too pricy though), but more and more artists migrating from Windows to Linux and it’s fantastic time to start supporting those of us who already did or will do so soon. Not mentioning that...More
If you import a Skeletal Mesh from, for example but not exclusively limited to Unreal Engine, and characterize it, the Skeleton will appear fine Root is at the top and everything underneath it. When you export it with a Root Motion Animation and try to apply that to the original character in...More
When exporting a character from CC4 or iClone 8, the hair mesh conform and expression blends appear to move in the wrong word direction. For example, I have a character with a mask, that mask is being treated as hair and the facial expressions are transferring their movement on to the mask...More
Please add an option to keep hair (including eyebrows, facial hair, etc) visible while editing Skin and Makeup. I frequently find myself editing skin/makeup and thinking it looks good, only to leave that editor and decide my changes don't look very good with the fully dressed model. I assume...More
Create a new project by adding the default Kevin model, then export to FBX. Under Advanced Settings, choose "Mouth Open as Morph", and export the FBX. (Use whatever other target and options you like.) Normally, when exporting to FBX, the model will have four character meshes: CC_Base_Body...More
Steps to reproduce: (Ensure Character Creator v 4.41, and or Iclone v 8.41 is installed) 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > (Any character with hair)...More