Button "Attach to Body" in Headshot 2 = NOT ACTIVE the Button - never turns to Green - color it was working - before I upgraded to the latest 4.52...More
When placing props in a scene they randomly appear at distance 99999999999,999 , same as Iclone, see here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/IC-852-tends-to-place-props-at-infinity-distance...More
Hi team, before the request, I have a cheer here. Being working as freelancer for the last 20 years and at the beginig of 2024 decided to test CC4. I worked for those two decades with "main stream" software. And let me tell you I was really surprised about CC4 since the first moment... so surprised...More
I have a character, and for whatever reason her middle line is broken, and she has asymmetrical features. There is no way to fix it, I've tried using Edit Mesh, and clicking on Mirror Copy with all vertices selected, some vertices selected, none vertices selected, it always produces the same...More
See attached image: When clicking Bake the slider jumps all the way to the top. This can be quite annoing in a fast workflow when in need of clicking Bake more then once on a slider...More
Hi, Reallusion It would really be nice with an CC Python API. For example, it would be beneficial to create a Python script that finds a specific morph in our custom characters and resets it before we delete the morph from the Neutral Base CC3+ character. To avoid doing this manually....More
There seems to be a random bug around Accurig. I rigged this char several times in result hand bones and legs werent moving. I saved the char several times and loaded it back into CC. Then overworked the bone positions in Accurig several times but without success. Then suddenly after another...More
CC 452 Building Morph Slider Cache on Each Program Start even it says "One time operation" on the Logo while starting the program. CC could start faster if this would not happen on each start. IIRC this did not happen on earlier versions like 433. Screenshot cant be taken because the Text indicating...More
Pretty much the title. From plugins --> blender pipeline --> export character to Blender = nothing happens. This was not the case in the past. I am up to date on versions....More