Hi, Reallusion It would really be nice with an CC Python API. For example, it would be beneficial to create a Python script that finds a specific morph in our custom characters and resets it before we delete the morph from the Neutral Base CC3+ character. To avoid doing this manually....More
There seems to be a random bug around Accurig. I rigged this char several times in result hand bones and legs werent moving. I saved the char several times and loaded it back into CC. Then overworked the bone positions in Accurig several times but without success. Then suddenly after another...More
Pretty much the title. From plugins --> blender pipeline --> export character to Blender = nothing happens. This was not the case in the past. I am up to date on versions....More
When I exporting the CC4 model to unreal engine with the unreal engine auto-setup I only get facial morph targets, no body morph targets other than the one's applied to the model. I want to be able to export the CC4 model with all morph targets to change body morphs on both the character and...More
I got the new Lucia model from the Content Store with the promotional $200 purchase discount. I tried to load the CC4 Lucia 2 avatar, which looks to have an alternate look. All the textures but the head texture loads and I get a message saying the head texture can't be found. I've attached...More
Though trial and error, for a few days solid in a row, I've found a solution that will allow characters with displacement a way to have 0 cracks. The issue is caused by the bleed texture border/margin. I found that if you apply a glow effect using black for the edges with precision on each...More
Dear Support Team, I am experiencing an issue where I cannot access the Blender pipeline - the pipeline window is not appearing when I try to connect. This is preventing me from testing character animations, which I hoped to do while waiting to purchase some assets. I noticed this issue coincides...More
In Character creator, the morph sliders don't work on accessories unless you add skin weights. However, some things like arm bands don't need skin weights but need to able to be reshaped to fitting. Yes you can use the mesh editor but that has its limits as you know. Please activate the already...More