After installing the update, I opened my current CC3+ characater (African Male) to try out the beard update. 1. open african male character 2. Add one of the free beards...More
Hi, I played around a lot with the IClone->Unreal LiveLink. I use it mainly to bring my characters to the engine. My steps are: CharacterCreator->IClone->UnrealLiveLink. The problem i stumbled over is, that the imported characters have sooo many materials that the Draw calls are insane. My...More
I have attached a Morph Target OBJ and key zip file created from a real body scan so you can recreate the issue. Our pipeline worked fine with the previous CC3.3+ nude base female. When creating a morph slider using the NEW CC3.4 base nude female it appears that the SW is not properly scaling...More
the hair does not transfer the same if you play with the material in cc3 even if you bake it they are much beter if you use a preset color though. and why do most of the hairs have no physics preset ? and why does that not transfer over as before...More
I'm wondering if there is a way to bring the MetaHumans into CC3. At this time there is a just a sample of what's coming. They look great but if they can be used in a CC3 -> iClone 7 -> Unreal Engine pipeline, that would be great. If this does not work, is there a way to animate them using...More
I've never been able to use this software since purchasing it, but haven't had time to submit a ticket until now. In previous versions, the program would crash to desktop within a few minutes of working on a new project, but since updating to 3.4 the program simply freezes when it opens. I...More
It's off by default and for some people it does not even exist in the registry. Please fix it, or give an update with .reg file (I can post the file, but registry is sensitive. It should come from you). More info is at the forum:
If Smart Gallery is installed, CC3 crashes on startup and gives the attached error message. I tried reinstalling CC3 to different drives, but nothing helps. I've also scanned my memory for errors, but all seems good on my end....More
Every single time when I export my cc3 character in Unreal using the Auto setup tool and choosing the HQ shadier, my character still don't look as good like it is in Character creator. I followed this link with documentation to see will it help but nope it is still the same. https://manual...More