Hello, using upper-body assets of the Essential Clothing pack such as a T-shirt or Coat causes problems with the file after it is saved and re-accessed. Steps to recreate (happens every single time for me) 1. Create a CC3+ character (or use the avatar for quick)...More
Since the recent update to CC3.3 and the new CC3+ Bases I've found that some characters are not properly smoothed when converted to Game Ready meshes. This seems to badly affect CC3+ characters, slightly affects CC3 meshes, and oddly isn't at all a problem when creating a character using Headshot...More
Open CC3. Watch CPU and GPU usage. CPU is around 5% and GPU varies between 25% and 100% even though only the default character is showing and the application not in use at all....More
I know you have change it a few times already, but that is not sufficient enough. Users are constantly asking the same questions over and over at the forum. Seems everyone is confused about importing characters, accessories and cloth....More
Please develope more realistic content. CC3 is amazing and I would like to use it for movie, street scenes, art works or realistic scenarios. But - only extreme clothes are available, no everyday looks. You need a different designer team...More
Hi, This issue started happening when I upgraded to 3.3, last week. I have a macbook pro with Bootcamp. If I start CC3 in a monitor that is not the laptop built in one, it freezes and spins forever....More
Every time I start Reallusion Hub and Character Creator, it freezes, becomes unresponsive and I have to kill the app. I have tried: * Restarting Windows * Uninstalling and resinstalling...More
I just export the base 3.3+ default character as OBJ, import into Blender 2.83 with Keep Vert Order/Poly Groups, and the head and body textures are all in wrong places. CC3.2 didn't have this problem. Another bug that may still exist is that when I imported a male character from CC3.2, the...More
Hello, When I open CC3 to the Default Project, the character's skin is shaded with dashed grey lines. This shading resolves when I zoom in close enough. I have no idea how to correct this and so have no attempts to report....More
All I did was update the software after a newly purchased license. I was able to run the software once then it would not open again after I closed that session. It does not show up in task manager at all......More