Character Creator 3
Issue 7232
Please add more REALISTIC content (real clothes, real hair, real poses, real people)
Please develope more realistic content. CC3 is amazing and I would like to use it for movie, street scenes, art works or realistic scenarios.
- only extreme clothes are available, no everyday looks. You need a different designer team
- the head hair looks very artificial and unbelievable
- the shape presets are still missing natural presets: even the "Human anatomy" set is too stylized: thicker people have muscle shapes or too slim tails
- the motion presets are too exagerated (e.g. woman always cheap sexy/barbie doll-like and men behaving like rambo fighters)

With Skin-gen and CC3+ you opened new oportunities, but they aren't so much worth, when no high quality content is developed
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  710
Submitted bycgi_468384
(my comment was in reply to animagic)
I think, the difference is that I am looking for really photo-realistic clothes.
You can find them in other stores and you would think, it's a photo.
But nrearly everything right now looks still like 3D or somehow cartoonish.
There are different kinds of users using this software and so are the demands.
I was checking right now, just in reaction of your answer, for "pants". I am designer myself and can say, for what I would need as realism detail, it's not enoough and on the other hand it's not anymore rocket science to hire some designers to get collections of realistic clothes done.

It's like the difference between CC3 and CC3+. with SkinGen. Maybe for you CC3 was enough, because you are for sure not new here.
But  I came now only because SkinGen took the needed small gap to realism, which I need.
The same step is needed now for clothing.
p.s. But I'm anyway sure, Reallusion is already on the right track, because everything now goes to "absolute realism" in the 3D community.
I don't know where you are looking for clothes, but I am using all kinds of "normal" clothing in my latest movie. They are either RL Content Packs or from the Market Place. They move and walk quite normally too.

It takes some doing to research and find what you need, but it is not impossible.

I have been able to create a cast of elderly characters, definitely no Barbie dolls or Rambo fighters. There are hundreds of morphs you can use to create unique characters.