Hey, like in any other Reallusion Software, it would be also amazing for this software, if there would be a button to just export the Character + Rig without any textures. On my hole workflow pipeline, the textures are allready in a seperate folder. I don't understand, why we should transfer...More
I have cleaned out a mixamo skeleton from everything except the mesh and exported as FBX Blender 3.3 Export FBX ( Removed: Mixamo skeleton, shape keys and vertexgroups) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Uxz6qdcmC_fC-WYCR1qCRFxV6ZO-Ocp/view?usp=share_link...More
being able to view mesh when placing guides would be great. when the custom model has specific topology on knees and elbows it would be great to easily see it...More
It would be great if we had an option to just rig one body part such as hands. Right now if you import an FBX, it forces you into full character rig mode. Thank you : )...More
My character is having a hard time uploading to Actorcore, I love the test rig. But the only problem is each time I try to upload it to Actorcore it gets stuck at 10%. Please I would really appreciate it if you tell me what the problem is....More
I don't know if this is a bug. I followed the omniverse tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDU6iJceZXs after downloading the omniverse usd file from actorcore, however when I drop the animation in the motion folder onto the character, it does nothing. Going from actor core usd to omniverse...More