Hello Reallusion! Hope you are doing well, While converting 3d model (fbx/obj) into iclone 7 format (i.e Prop to Non Std Character) one of the hand is going out of the box in character profile section due to which mapping can't be possible and hence can't convert it into .iavatar format...More
I need some help to find a Tutorial . I Exported the Iclone Horse and used Bones in a one of my Animal creations. But somehow when I try to configure it in 3dXchange , I can't seem to get the bone config correct so that Animation Motions WORK....More
Daz Extension does not map However, while all the morphs come over to 3DXchange, none are "Set" in the Expression Editor (except for the head and eye movements that 3DXchange creates automatically). I have to manually Set all Visemes, Muscles, etc. 1. Add _iCloneFaceKey.duf to respective Genesis...More
I would love to have the actual joint controlled morphs for the DAZ characters imported into iClone. The look of joints when bent are beautiful in DAZ, and odd to freaky in iClone. And I mean as an auto-set up and not some complex morph import and learn how to use scripts to fix it kind of...More
This was not a good move on Reallusion's part. It makes CC3 only Human compatible. If you wanted to create very unique creature faces and have them look like they are speaking properly, good luck because the ability to fix facial expressions was removed! We need this function back ASAP!...More
hello! I'm having serious trouble with 3dxchange! I'm importing a model used by Daz gen3 and gen8. When prompted it asks if I would like to convert to a non standard talking character and I click yes. than after it loads, the non standard button is highlighted and the facial expression key...More
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bk0uamc96h8pqzq/zbrush%20ready%20shapekeys%20with%20hair%20fixed%20for%20iclone.fbx%20-%20iClone%203DXchange%207%202019-11-30%2006-02-41.mp4?dl=0 If I unistall the software and reinstall it works for a little bit but then it stops working and crashes everytime You...More
Character from mixamo ( with shape keys and added eye bones too) but also CC character crash 3dxchange I had to unistall and reinstal the program to make it work again But it happen again after sometime and couldnt complete the process to convert a character into a non standard...More
I understand 3DXchange has joint rotation but that just distorts the model if you rotate 180 degrees and you can only see changes when "Active" is not checked. In my opinion I believe this is an essential function to allow more compatibility of non human creatures to be able to use mocap or...More