Morphs that are exported from 3DXchange from a character's Face Setup>Expression Editor list don't have the same exact orientation as the figure, if you load a morph into Morph Creator, you will notice it will shift location slightly, but the bones stay in place. Because of the difference,...More
Hello, When importing Genisis 3 & 8 characters, I get a problem with legs and Shoulder/Arms, Please see attached images. One image contains the same character once as Genisis 3 (right) version and the second as Genisis 2 (left), notice the legs and shoulders/arms in the G3, and it is correct...More
Bug happens with most of the other product installers(iClone/CC3 etc) as well. Very noticeable with the pipeline bonus installer of causing catastrophic error on installer until I tried moving the installer from USB to C drive. Needed to fix some Reallusion related registries as well after...More
I loaded a Sketchup Model in 3DXchange 7.3 and first selected "Exclude .SKP Back Faces" and then "Merge Identical". Merge Identical deleted quite a lot of Mesh items. This does not happen with the same model in 3DXchange 6.5. The 2 attached images show the issue, look carefully at the Window...More
that problem its the CC1 character in character creator 3.0 its compatible with 3dxchange and automatly see all rigs and blendshapes but the cc3 character in character creator 3.0 see that character as a custom character.and it takes one hours to apply all the same shapes and the rig. and...More
3dxchange doesn't open. Splash screen, for a sec, then nothing. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU. Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 graphics card. updated driver. tried the dpi scaling setting to no avail....More
Hi, As others have reported my 3Dxchange Pipeline crashes on startup. I get the splash screen then the main window opens for a split second in the upper left and immediately closes/crashes. No error is reported or anything. I read every post on this and tried everything - reinstalling, clean...More
I have raised this ticket originally on 19th May. The previous version, when I bought it, worked perfectly. I have made clean uninstall, deleted "3dx7Temp" folder and run the "CleanReg.EXE". Uninstalled Reallusion Hub. Downloaded from my account "ic3DXchange7Pipeline_Enu_Full.exe". Switched...More
When exporting a character through 3DXchange, it seems to rename the BlendShapes and this is visible in Unity. It is a huge problem for us, because it doesn't recognize the BlendShape animations. We wish to use 3DXchange because we have a ton of animations. Besides, we use Maya to customize...More