Sometimes when content is exported via 3DXChange using the Export OBJ option, the resulting file is corrupt and cannot be re-imported by 3DXChange. In software which does manage to read the corrupt file, the resulting content is not correct. I have not been able to identify what causes this...More
Sometimes when content is exported via 3DXChange using the Export OBJ option, the resulting file has incorrect Materials/Textures assigned and/or the UV Mapping is incorrect. I have not been able to identify the deciding factor if the material/textures will export correctly or not. The problem...More
Some content that is exported through 3DXChange using the Export OBJ option results in some of the mesh missing in the exported file. This occurs with only some content but a large selection of my own content cannot be exported via EXPORT OBJ due to this issue. I have not been able to identify...More
I've tried over and over again trying to open iClone 3DXchange v7.7 Pipeline but it doesn't open. The start screen appears for a few seconds, then it closes with no error box appearing. Can you please help...More
Hi, i had several props exported as a single fbx from iclone (with animation). The fbx was imported to 3dxchange and exported as a single iProp (with animation). Dragged to iclone scene from the content(custom). Issues faced was the textures were off for both 3dxchange and iclone. * i didnt...More
I have tried exporting a 2011 FBX from Maya 2017, Cinema4D R20 and Blender 2.8, and have been unable to import animated morph targets into 3DXchange 7.61.3619.1. Previewing these files in another application shows the animated morph targets fine. Unfortunately the fbx is too large to attach...More
Daz Extension does not map However, while all the morphs come over to 3DXchange, none are "Set" in the Expression Editor (except for the head and eye movements that 3DXchange creates automatically). I have to manually Set all Visemes, Muscles, etc. 1. Add _iCloneFaceKey.duf to respective Genesis...More