On my initial startup of iClone8 (and several times after), I am receiving an error saying “The character does not have proper Motion Director settings. Please check the settings in the Motion Director Control Center.” and will NOT allow the program to start. I cannot get to the MD settings...More
In 3DXchange7 the Export FBX button featured the option "Include Geometry" which if unchecked would exclude the Mesh and Textures from the export, which allowed for fast iterations to get the animation data added to an already configured Mechanim character in Unity. Now that IClone 8 does...More
Reach Target has an option to "Create Dummy" (which I love, btw) but the issue is that the pretty box it creates is NOT a dummy. I have to manually "Set as dummy" in the Modify panel myself, otherwise it renders out if still visible....More
I animate the character in iClone8 and export it to fbx, for further use in blender and export to glb. In iClone, everything looks and works great. But after importing into a blender, the pants on the character have obvious artifacts on their right leg. I separately moved my pants to 3D MAX...More
Actually, we can change the size of a character, but it's not possible to do it during an animation. Very frustrating and limited for fantasy projects including magics, transformations, giant monster, power effects, ...etc. This is an essential feature and I'm sure I'm not the only one who...More