I had a couple of tickets opened years ago. This is one of them which is still "Assigned": https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Follow-Terrain-and-Projected-Path-Inconsistensy-rebound Issue was partially fixed in iClone 7 Sorry to say but iClone 8 reverted all fixes back and added...More
Today I was attempting to export and send an animation (.fbx) file to be imported into Unity, but a teammate of mine showed me that the range of frames I flagged in the timeline had also exported the lip sync from the very next animation, though the lip sync was not included in the flagged...More
It's frustrating that there's no easy GoZ like functionality when it comes to building up custom morphs for clothes or props. It's also frustrating that you can't input negative values, or values over 100% for custom morphs for clothes or props....More
There is object constraints that work with physics but no bone constraints that can be added to the armature of props and accessories. These are essential tools needed for character creation. I am blown away that this program does not already have this....More
Works with various AI Plugins *For realistic voice overs that can change sound, ambience, *Visual Director/Emulator: Uses Visuals, Descriptions, Content Tags, scale, rotation, position to assist and or direct AI...More
There is nothing can be done to customize them. Because of the corrupt UV maps, saving individual part as props (after converting) and loading them back, ends up with error. Nor other maps could be added such as bump/normal. Exporting reveal inconsistency in UV maps immediately....More