It could be useful to have a marker track in the timeline to create several start and end markers for clips, making it easier to batch export animation clips or associated audioclips or video renders (instead of doing one by one, typing in the range for each of them). See attached Mockup...More
If you have ever used Omniverse Commands, (almost) anything the user does in the ViewPort, the code is listed in the Commands Window. This is similar to Record Macro for Excel. A lot of people, myself included don't know all the commands in IClone. So if you just go to do something in IClone...More
The reason is simple, when we make custom characters or creatures, in to get the most flexibility out of a hybrid CC3 or HIK character that can be used as Biped or Quadruped at any time, sometimes we have to use a finger or toe to extend the arm or leg with the other finger/toe joints disabled...More
Adding the Omniverse extension gives us the ability to export, it would be nice to go the other way. USD does a better job of preserving textures than FBX or other formats. The attached guitar is a free USD asset from Apple, that when I imported into Omniverse to take this photo looks perfect...More
Hi, Being able to display the motion trail of various controllers (or objects) will be a great addition to Iclone. This simple feature helps tremendously to clean mocap or track the arcs on keyframed animation....More
- The abilty to edit multiple lights of as type globally. Mainly brightness, and shadow settings. - For spotlights to have the ability to have a Gobo “Go Between Optics” applied....More
- Motion Puppet should be improved, or expanded. Plus to be able to import custom data. - The Mask feature should not have to be re-set every time a new motion is chosen....More