With the addition of Animation Layers for Motion in IC8, it would also be great to allow layers on the Expressions as well. My use case was having Digital Soul presets added to a character then wanting a separate layer for head and eye movements....More
Hi! As shown in the picture, I would like to suggest Technical team of Iclone to create a Free hand line drawing tool in order to allow users to draw easliy a plane to hide some needed objects in a scene. I am working on using HDR captured with a 360 camera. HDR pictures captured by this way...More
The majority of characters in iclone and CC4 require "smoothing" to turned on for purchased content to look acceptable (especially older store content such as the toon characters) Currently iClone exports alembics as triangles (although the alembic SDK is able to support Quads and SDS). Applying...More
1.Make the "mini viewport able to be any size you want. 2.Give it the option to be reference cam. So like mini video player that is sync with the timeline . This will be very helpful for mocap cleanup 3. Ability to have multiple mini viewports not just one...More
Are we going to be able to import custom animations into Motion Director? The available animations are just a fraction of what we intend to do with this program. Without the ability to add our own animations this feature will soon be forgotten....More
Maybe these Timeline Behaviours would be useful: [01] The option to click and select keys in the timeline without the playhead jumping to that point. [02] The option to timeline zoom on a selected clip / area....More
Iv'e listed this under IC8 but as content manager is common to IC8 and CC4 this appies to both The way template content is installed is disorganised and illogical. I just spend 3 minutes looking for a hair prop in a system that claims to make content management easy...More
I really Like Motion Director but one of my most wanted items is to be able to create custom behaviors and trigger them. The behaviors that have been provided so far are good but just do not meet my needs. I would really like to be able to take animations I have created and use them mostly...More
It would be nice to have a setting for max texture size in the render panel that is only used there. That way I can work with fast textures then render with hi-rez ones without having to switch back and forth....More