So i started to play around with motion directior. I really love it so far, but i ran instant into the first issue. My scene has mostly flat planes, but it has height differences. Right now i need to adjust all waypoints individually so it has the correct height. It is the same, when i walk...More
Hey, first things first, i know there is the free plugin "Camera Fly Through". It didnt worked out for me and others and i think this should be in inherited functionality. With new motion director and a large levels/scene/world, this would be an really useful feature. I spend lots of time...More
Hi, is it possible to work on both mocap devices in one time in iclone? What do i mean: I am using PNS to body mocap but i cant mocap props so if it would be possible to use vive trackers as a props in iclone it would be avesome....More
I recently bought an Asus Zenbook duo 14 because of its facilities in working with two touch screen displays. With Adobe, main tools are reorganized to have contents only on main display. It is said that Adobe has an agreement with Asus. My expectation is to have main tools that can be moved...More
Please enable Iray to use its motion blur capabilities. I use the current iClone8 motion blur as a preview but not for the final product. Disapointed that this feature was not an option for users who purchased the plugin. Thanks!...More
Of the very few times I am allowed to get iClone8 started. The project that opens with the “key” lights, “floor”, etc moves on its own without the “playhead” moving at all. Anything I load into the scene begins to flip and rotate as well. It will not stop! See this video link: https://youtu...More
On my initial startup of iClone8 (and several times after), I am receiving an error saying “The character does not have proper Motion Director settings. Please check the settings in the Motion Director Control Center.” and will NOT allow the program to start. I cannot get to the MD settings...More
In 3DXchange7 the Export FBX button featured the option "Include Geometry" which if unchecked would exclude the Mesh and Textures from the export, which allowed for fast iterations to get the animation data added to an already configured Mechanim character in Unity. Now that IClone 8 does...More
With the addition of Animation Layers for Motion in IC8, it would also be great to allow layers on the Expressions as well. My use case was having Digital Soul presets added to a character then wanting a separate layer for head and eye movements....More