On my initial startup of iClone8 (and several times after), I am receiving an error saying “The character does not have proper Motion Director settings. Please check the settings in the Motion Director Control Center.” and will NOT allow the program to start. I cannot get to the MD settings...More
iClone 8 show me an error when I try to enable physics to props (in this case, imported props from iClone 7). The prop I used is from my own RL Marketplace ( https://marketplace.reallusion.com/lego-dummy )...More
Hi! As shown in the picture, I would like to suggest Technical team of Iclone to create a Free hand line drawing tool in order to allow users to draw easliy a plane to hide some needed objects in a scene. I am working on using HDR captured with a 360 camera. HDR pictures captured by this way...More
Unreal SK Mannequin exported from Unreal 4.26 as FBX, Imported into Iclone 8 and used Unreal skeleton conversion preset Adjusting foot contact on either foot and the other foot starts to climb, see video "FootContact_Issue" 1. Load skeleton...More
RIFacialDevice.ProcessData seems not to work any more, and it doesn't return any errors either. The script in this post can be used to reproduce this problem, https://forum.reallusion.com/523684/How-to-write-a-facial-mocap-plugin...More
I have a scene where the character is stationary and just talking. So the most animation is in her facial expression and head movements. Over a period of time the neck distorts. I use Face Puppet and Face Key to animate this part. Video example: https://youtu.be/pWKtlGl2K7A...More
GOSTARIA DE SABER, SE CONSIGO COMPRAR O IcLONE 8 PARACELADO NO CARTÃO? No brasil o dólar aumenta em muito o custo do produto para nós brasileiros... Gostaríamos de investir!...More
The iClone online manual refers to a separate manual for the Curve Editor, which is from 2018: https://manual.reallusion.com/Curve_Editor_Plug_in/ENU/Default.htm (see image) A lot has changed since then with now separate entries for FK and IK, so updated documentation is essential...More