iClone 8
Issue 8979
Foot / Hand contact issues on Imported Unreal skeleton / animation
Unreal SK Mannequin exported from Unreal 4.26 as FBX, Imported into Iclone 8 and used Unreal skeleton conversion preset

Adjusting foot contact on either foot and the other foot starts to climb, see video "FootContact_Issue"

1. Load skeleton
2. Click "Foot Contact" checkbox in iCLone
3. Click "Edit motionlayer"
4.Click and adjust foot
5. The opposite foot starts to climb

This also happens if a Weapon is attached to the right hand and Reachtarget for the left hand has been selected and the same weapon is the target

It's sufficient to just select the Right hand, use the hand controller to make a small adjustment, then just click on the hand with mouse clicks
See "Video 2_"
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  347
Submitted bydoubblesixx
When will this be fixed? It was assigned October 15 2022 seems like you have no rush to do anything about it
Yes, This is perhaps not related to the "climbing issue", but what you can see is that Foot contact controllers move downwards when foot placement has "touched" the ground, when the knee's start to bend, the foot contact controllers continue to rotate downwards.

I would expect these foot contact controllers to be 100% flat on the ground, regardless of continued input wanting to pull the rootbone downwards.

Hope this explains it a little better.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi doubblesixx,

Sorry for the late reply. 
The issue from Video 2 has been recorded in our internal tracking system.
I'll track the issue from Video 2 to see if it can be fixed in future.

The reason why I replied, is because after reviewing the 1st video, I realized that there was some misunderstanding about contact points.
Therefore, I am responding to you to make sure that all features are explained clearly enough.
So, we do care about all RL user, and your experience when using our product.

Once again, thanks for your reply and enjoy your day!

You got to be kidding me Calvin.. Wake up please. 
If you think a response time of about 6 months will make any  and the problems still says " Assigned" ??? This just reinforce the feeling that you only care for people paying money when and if you feel something is worth updating or it ends up being unresolved until the next paid upgrade.. That is the strong belief i have of RL and your reply just proves me right

Fix the problem and i'll think about my stance otherwise, think again next time you answer.. sometimes it's jus better to not answer at all if the answer doesn't change anything.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi doubblesixx,

Thank you for your reply. 
I would like to clarify that the green dot in Edit Pose mode does not indicate the contact point. 
Instead, it represents the IK Effector that users can use to quickly modify the foot pose. 
To check the position of the contact points, please use the Adjust Floor Contact mode. 
I hope this explanation will be helpful.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi doubblesixx,

I can repeat the video2,but I don't know what you mean in video1.Can you say explain it in more details?Thanks.
