I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More
Moving from animating and rigging in C4d or any other softwar, I think it would really be helpful and increase animation speed if we could get the motion layer IK controls over the bones in the viewport, creating a sort of rig to animate with. selecting bones and/or options from the edit motion...More
Hi, I just purchased the leap motion profile but when I launch the installation i get an error message saying: The edition of Motion LIVE Plug-in for iClone installed in you computer will not use the data in this Plug-in, you don't need to install this plugin. The Plug-in installation will...More
Enabling PN Triangle Tessellation in UE4 to smooth outputs almost always results in triangle shaped flipped faces, even with default characters. Contacted support (190728) but other than turning the feature off (resulting in characters looking like Kryten from Red Dwarf) they had no other suggestions...More
Please bring back the feature that we can save just the heads on iclone it was working till cc3 characters but not for CC3+ every feature you already have is super usefull...More
Hello I am working on a large project with two monitors and often have the following problem: when I want to copy material from an object and insert it into another model, the menu (import as) disappears somewhere in the background and I can't do anything else except to end Iclone with Task...More
Hello. I am trying to edit a guitar playing hand motion to strum a simple reggae chord motion. I followed one of your tutorials (This one to be precise:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQGYoPC7llo )...More
During the course of rendering, which can take a day or two, it will get a memory access error. Sometimes it crashes iClone only, other times it produces a Blue Screen crash. It would happen occasionally starting in the summer. But now it is happening every time I try to render with Iray....More