1. Import character from CC3 with hair asset from Hair Tool for Blender (this was one of the examples provided in his downloads) into iClone 2. Open Physics tab 3. Activate Physics (soft cloth)...More
Hi there, I'm working with an Xsens mocap suit to record complex motions, for combining in IClone. It's working well, except I am having to accomodate drift of the Xsens suit, by animating the transform values of each motion clip. When I cut different takes together and try to blend the animation...More
Hi Folks, We have been experiencing a lot of problems with larger project models. So far we have identified 2 problem areas. 1. Any project we create with a large amount of prop assets and a fairly extensive frame setting, will cause Iclone to fail, immediately after it finishes loading....More
Worried brows are a real staple of character animation, but they're surprisingly difficult to achieve using the current expression choices in iClone, and no combination seems to get me a good "s" curve that the expression needs. Attached are examples of what I am trying to get. iClone allows...More
I have found that if hovering the mouse cursor over the menu system at the top of the screen is is laggy and if running animation I only get 3.1 fps. This is when using a G-SYNC screen and if iClone is in the foreground. If bringing up another application over the top of iClone then iclone...More
Ive been playing with ur popcorn FX since you guys added it and it still cant do things simple things like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv_5UBzJvEs&t=377s&ab_channel=Iridesium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtKQwN9P0sE&ab_channel=Olav3DTutorials...More
I am finding bugs that are somewhat problematic. 1. If your project model is too big, Iclone becomes unstable and gives you no warnings that you are exceeding its capabilities, relative to your hardware. 2. It just drops the application, and if you have been saving it as I have on a constant...More
Live link plugin no longer pushing animation through to Unreal Metahuman characters. To Recreate the issue Create Metahuman with all relevant components and blueprint setup....More
I have the same problem as this user there is no possible way to connect the iphone 12 with the plugin it always gives me an error https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Unable-to-do-any-lipsinking-using-IClone-7-s-Motion-LIVE-LIVE-FACE-plugin-Failed-to-connect-LIVE-FACE...More