121 issues found


When I render it crushes after a few frames, talking to technical support confirms it might be the issue of memory leak or other resource problem that needed to be fixed on your side...More
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Submitted by DoronT770


Not Reproducible
I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. The scaling has always been an issue where's its massive compared to every other window and application I am using, but today it's just become absurd.
I wonder if there's ever been any testing involved with iClone before release?
The scale of the UI should be inline...More


I am exporting a character to UE 5.3 and using Subivision Mesh.
If the subdivision Level is 1 or 2, then the character is successfully imported into the UE, but I see errors in the log, see file SUB12_Err.txt
If the subdivision level is 3, then the import into the UE ends with the crash of...More
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Submitted by smaga388


The same mixamo animations were importing perfectly fine for me 2 days go, now when import the very same animations from the same downloaded files and from newly downloaded files they have these issues. Before every mixamo animation was importing perfectly, now every mixamo animation I import...More
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Submitted by anim_dude_22


Hi I have a question :
I noticed that the blueprints from characters imported via Unreal live link are reset to 0 when we transfer them once again in Unreal Engine. So, each time I change the appearance of a character in iclone and transfer it again in Unreal using Live Link, the blueprint...More
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Submitted by kamehasutraa


Not a Bug
1. Import external motion file
2. Choose any profile ... all fail to convert correctly.
the file was exported as HumanIK and mixamo from Rokoko both fail to convert to iclone8 motions...More
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Submitted by WGOKU


Not a Bug
I use iclone 8.12, import camera from unreal engine 5.0.3
it was normal and works as long as smaller than 1799 frames.
Everyhting fine. The process is fast/...More
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Submitted by damar.td


Not a Bug
I succesfully created a creature in CC4 (Bull with motions), however, in iClone 8, when I apply the first motion, it works with no problems, but the gizmo stays at the beginning of the position, causing that the second motion moves the avatar back to the first motion's original location (see...More
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Submitted by Andrés Moya


Think fast, video AI based on keywords is just around the corner. If people can, they will - drop manual animation and native rendering for a complete solution at a fraction of the cost. This is perfectly fine, no worries of the possibility of users ditching ic8 or cc4 in the future, because...More


Hello Reallusion team,
I sometimes have to work with Unreal. I've found that it takes a lot of time to render in Unreal to look really good, whereas Iclone requires a lot less manoeuvring to get a high quality render.
However, when using Lumen in unreal, at the moment I don't know of any...More
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Submitted by Kalex
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