When I drag "Walk_01 loop" animation for a free "Walk01" pack into the Metahuman male avatar dummy, retargeting starts and always crashes at 12% without any feedback...More
Trying to load any iMDExt file has the error shown in screen captures. I have tried uninstall/install of Motion Director pack but the problem persists. This seems to have happened after the Motion Director update....More
An optional Window that displays the Undo History stored in memory. The user could open this window to view their history after making an error or experimenting. This allows users to bypass the need for excessively undo/redo and can save time and work from being lost....More
I have assembled a scene with 3 paths and several characters. Using Motion Director, i assigned presets and path starting points for the characters. However, there is no control on how fast the characters move along their path....More
So i started to play around with motion directior. I really love it so far, but i ran instant into the first issue. My scene has mostly flat planes, but it has height differences. Right now i need to adjust all waypoints individually so it has the correct height. It is the same, when i walk...More
It would be great if with Motion Director you had the ability to walk on meshes. Movement just like you have in a game engine, walk up and down stairs and ramps. Run over uneven terrain etc....More
Are we going to be able to import custom animations into Motion Director? The available animations are just a fraction of what we intend to do with this program. Without the ability to add our own animations this feature will soon be forgotten....More
I really Like Motion Director but one of my most wanted items is to be able to create custom behaviors and trigger them. The behaviors that have been provided so far are good but just do not meet my needs. I would really like to be able to take animations I have created and use them mostly...More
Hi there, I don't know what you are planning next but I have suggestions though about motion director. The animation in motion director looks great but is very gaming motion and that's why I don't plan to use it for now because here, I'm not a game developer but video animation only. So,...More