Hello, we want to be able to see the animation cycle (looping infinitely) inside the curve editor to always see the relation between first and last frame next to each other (and vice versa). I've attached a screenshot from Maya that resembles the requested feature....More
The system needs support for layers for expressions like it has for body motion so that animation can be built incrementally using keyframes (Face Key) and Face Puppet (or Mo-Cap). As it is, if you attempt to do Face Puppet "over the top of" a clip based on keyframes (from Face Key), the...More
I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. The scaling has always been an issue where's its massive compared to every other window and application I am using, but today it's just become absurd. I wonder if there's ever been any testing involved with iClone before release? The scale of the UI should be inline...More
I blocked out an animation using stepped keys as one should, I need to now set the tangents to auto/spline but there is no way to do it. This application is very difficult to use for an animator, the options available are not intuitive at all. I select all my keys but i cannot set the tangents...More
The iClone online manual refers to a separate manual for the Curve Editor, which is from 2018: https://manual.reallusion.com/Curve_Editor_Plug_in/ENU/Default.htm (see image) A lot has changed since then with now separate entries for FK and IK, so updated documentation is essential...More
Need option to disable auto-keyframing. Most animation applications don't automatically add a keyframe every time you move an object like a light or camera or change the color of a material. At a minimum, there should be an option to turn that behavior off. Can't tell you how many times I've...More
I highly recommend you get in touch & partner with Kronos guys, they have a free version of their studio that can make concepting with foley effects, cinematic audio presentation fast & accurate. They also have a paid plugin called reformer pro that allows users to talk as creature voices which...More
Curve edtitor window is uneccessarily large for all functions to be visible and screen space is used ineffectively, this is most evident when Curve editor window is docked to either side of the main window and some functions can't be reached My feature request revolves around making the topmost...More
Could you also make the pose mixer to work with motions too? not just single poses So we can mix and mask just the hands for example from another motion or if we could add another motion on an animation layer and mask it from there?...More
An optional Window that displays the Undo History stored in memory. The user could open this window to view their history after making an error or experimenting. This allows users to bypass the need for excessively undo/redo and can save time and work from being lost....More