After new clean PC install without 3dXchange I cant find the folder where to put *.3dxProfile files to let iclone load them automatically. Tried to copy them into the Reallusion folder in \Public documents but it does not find them I see other motion profiles in CC4 characterization menu...More
Overpriced hese are not up to par or todays industry standard and are very limited when compared to free software and this is also the older Popcorn FX its not even up to date so what should iclone7 & be used for bc i have all of your addons and at this point its giving waste of money bc I...More
when exporting animated character to unity i get fbx export failure i have weapons, clothes, and animations i want to export the entire package bu it dont seem to work...More
Ever since the update, when I drag certain (older) assets into iclone and CC4, I get an error that says 6 texture(s) files failed to load, it's seeking for these files in a folder that isn't there (attached image), though I know where the textures should be (D:\Reallusion\Shared Templates\Digital...More
I have a broblem with just one file in Studio Mocap Spunky Moves. I can not export as FBX when i apply "Move_walkSlow_M_1S" to a character. All the other moves can be apply and export. The message is : "You must first purchase the content licenses in order to export FBX and USD files". I get...More
Hi, For a while now I'm creating a 6minute animation in Iclone and I',m experiencing bad performance in iclone. (3 characters , some models) When a scene contains multiple characters and animation, performance drops quickly...More
I have 4090 with a threadripper and 128 gb of ram. Everything on iclone is super fast However I am trying to fix some weight painting issues and the smooth is extremely slow, I am trying to figure out why any suggestions ?...More