I need to filter-process exported images of my iClone characters, but I am finding that the minimalist native light setting in Character Creator is much better suited for a cartoon effect (cartoon post effect *not* shown here; image below is CC's native render). I can't replicate CC's lighting...More
For iClone 7/8 I'd like to be able to create new kinds of animated characters and props. Your video water bumps could look very interesting if converted to displacement but I have ideas for full body seamless displacement and body parts etc....More
When Alpha Threshold is enabled & set at 0, along with Refraction being enabled, GI seems completely disabled on Final Render output. I may have missed it somewhere in the manual that they are not compatible and if so I think it would be a good idea to either grey out Refraction when Alpha...More
To make "dead eyes" more life-like add an automatic pupil size animation track that reacts to scene lights + control setting for it. No oher software has such thing. When a character looks at a light source pupils go smaller and vice versa....More
SUGGESTION: To make iClone launch faster, and possibly use less memory, make a new PREFERENCE that lists all your plug-ins and allows you to decide which ones to automatically load when you launch iClone. When you use one that was not autoloaded, display a "Loading..." window message so the...More
I don't know if it's an actual bug or not but one would think when you copy and paste key frames of joint positions that, if the keyframe along with joint position will fit, that iClone will paste a new absolute world space position of the body part. I'm specifically using the Edit Motion...More
Sometimes animation clips need to corrections to resume a posture from the legs, arms, torso etc specifically - like taking a specific snap shot of a body part or parts in one clip and pasting it to another. Currently "Set as Default" only takes a snapshot of the entire pose. In the future...More
It's an issue when you've built something from many props with many constraints and the only way to show it functionally held together is to lengthen the speed of the clip to give it more time to calculate but then you'd have to shrink it back to the original size later. I've also found that...More