This applies to all Reallusion products Extremely useful features for developers have been removed and likely others so I'm requesting a solution that limits Reallusion support to experimental features so they don't need to worry about needing to provide support the features. Here are a couple...More
Not sure if this bug has been addressed yet but I've been recording hand animation using Leap Motion and Motion Live. When the recording stops (either manually or at the timeline's end point) any motion clip on the timeline is erased. For some reason, recording with Leap Motion wipes out...More
A small quality of life thing that would make a huge difference. Please can the Gear List pop-up window that opens when you start the Motion LIVE plug-in please remember the last entered IP address? Currently it resets to a default so you have to consistently re-enter your devices...More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
It would be great if we could look at references of what each expression is supposed to look like. Refer to the picture for example, what is "left mouth narrow"? What is it supposed to look like?...More
Dear Reallusion team i want to give some suggestion on some tips for add more features... *Your can add real time camera in iclone just like unreal and Maya etc, others already added and this features is very useful and helpful to create real time capture through camera any video with chroma...More
Consistently re-created on both existing and blank projects. 1. Launch iClone 2. Launch motion plugin (either from top plugin menu or by selecting character and clicking Motion Live in the animation panel)...More
To whom it may concern, I keep receiving this error when ever I am trying to see data and record it from Axis Neuron from Motion Live. It crashes and give me this error stating the memory could not be written?...More
Hi there, i've a problem when I go live from MVN with suite and Manus prime, do you have any suggestions? All the body and hands are fine , there is a problem with a finger, the thumb finger, look like is in reverse mode....More