It might be useful that iClone Pipeline have a bridge to allow any scene loaded in Cartoon animator show in iClone's scene view with access to edit the 2D animation and be timeline. It would have the option to show in the background or as an overlay over the iclone stage so that the 2D parallax...More
CC3 has merge UV option but this would be extremely useful to provide this for props and characters within iClone. I'd like to either merge props and bake out a new shared UV/materials or just attach and merge UVs. The InstaLOD function could be very useful in iClone....More
If we import a morph with morph creator, it doesnt appear in 3dxchange so we can use it as an expression Would be great if we could do that, because it makes easier the process, than to reimport and convert the whole character again Thank you...More
Would be amazing if there was a bridge from iClone to Zbrush too (not just CC3) That way we can create and import any prop faster into iClone. Would be great also if the layers on Zbrush(morphs) transfers to iClone too...More
Hi, i have tried animating with the attached beard, it failed to move correctly with face key. Face puppet was animating correctly. It was skin weighted to the upper and root jaw. btw the search of "jaw" in skin weights in cc3 failed to get the result "upper jaw"....More
Hi Guys, Phyton has been around for a while now and I have tried to install it again and again. I just can't manage. Would it be possible to have an easier and straight forward installer for instance with an exe file? Also here is a big ask. Is it possible to make the time line in I clone...More
I really like iCLone but I find I'm spending most of my time fighting the camera. Why can't you just have standard industry camera controls (alt+LMB to rotate etc)?? Not only this, but when rotating the camera, it sometimes rotates around arbitrary points/ or the world center even with nothing...More
Hi, When doing my latest plug-in I would have loved to access attached objects (children of a parent object) - but this was not possible. The only related function available at the moment is SetParent....More
Reallusion, you probably get a lot of people complaining that their project no longer opens and they ask you if you can fix it, likely because they overloaded the scene beyond their computer's memory. *If the scene was overloaded perhaps an option with the "failed to load" message gave them...More
I'm requesting you to create a new tutorial for creating a city scene and a run chasing scene between 2 persons in iclone. I have tried a lot creating this but the environment, the location is not at all suitable... I hope you could create a youtube video for this and teach me or if any video...More