Add the ability to open up both CC3 and iClone, and then be able to modify my characters in CC3 and see the updates "live" in my iClone window. This would be similar, in concept, to the "Unreal Live Link." See this Reallusion video at t=2:00...More
Maybe this option can be piped through the Reallusion hub since it has in place to check programs to see if they are installed and updated or not. This would be ideal because it opens up remote access if people need to work on or demonstrate projects remotely. As long as the main computer stays...More
Please bring a Scatter feature on iClone. Its very useful. And the ability we could create a custom iTree. Also we could use the same method of the itrees to scatter any other object. Please please......More
If the Roadmap for 2020 is not ready yet there could be something be added like - building subscene ( like in aftereffects the compositions ) to make interactive scene possible and - the ability to import and use SVG/ and animated GIF including to drive them ( start/stop/repeat)...More
When moving a motion bone 40 units this aligns with the unit system compared with other objects. However, I only need to move a skin bone about 10 units for the same distance. I compare this using the same character, one rigged as non-human and the other as non-standard....More
Hi. Just as iClone 6 FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING VIDEOS link: I would love to have the same for iClone7....More
Hello all, I recently purchased iclone 7, 3DXchange Pipeline, and the curve editor. I spent the day using it significantly and learning the ins and outs of the software, and loving it. I come from the world of audio software, like Pro Tools, and Ableton Live, and there are a few features that...More
Hello all, I just recently purchased Iclone 7, 3dXchange Pipeline, and Curve Editor. I just spent the day learning the software, practicing on some FBX MoCap files I have that were messy, and cleaning them up for practice. I'm new to 3d animation in general, but I'm a software veteran, coming...More
I would really like to see the ability to import more 3rd party plug ins. Especially speedtree but also some of the third party apps you use in your tutorials. It frustrates me to buy a product only to find you need others to really make use of the product you bought. Don't get me wrong...More
Bugs: So it would crash baking IBL at 4096x2048. Worse yet, the registry values OnlyShowDiffuse and OnlyShowSpecular would stuck on 1. Most users would not know that, while any project opened after the crash would not properly render and displayed in view-port until values are set to 0 manually...More