Hello, I would like to make a character that shoots footage of her self with her phone (selfie). The "look at" feature would be perfect for this, but iClone doesn't let me utilize it as the camera is linked to the characters hand. I'm using mocap data of a person actually holding a phone...More
I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More
Moving from animating and rigging in C4d or any other softwar, I think it would really be helpful and increase animation speed if we could get the motion layer IK controls over the bones in the viewport, creating a sort of rig to animate with. selecting bones and/or options from the edit motion...More
Enabling PN Triangle Tessellation in UE4 to smooth outputs almost always results in triangle shaped flipped faces, even with default characters. Contacted support (190728) but other than turning the feature off (resulting in characters looking like Kryten from Red Dwarf) they had no other suggestions...More
Please bring back the feature that we can save just the heads on iclone it was working till cc3 characters but not for CC3+ every feature you already have is super usefull...More
I can see 'Smooth' in the Curve Editor, but it's flaky at best and a very blunt tool with no real control. Can we please have a frame reduction algorithm in the main iClone timeline - ideally something that can be applied to individual key layers, rather than just to a whole clip. A few different...More
This feature is present in CC3, you can export FBX files containing only the motion, not the mesh. It is a very useful option, because it saves time and disk space. However, if you collect / create several animations for a character and want to export these animation for use in UE4, it can...More
I was trying to animate a scene character playing basketball but when I position character in front of hoop he slides around a lot of the time; waaay out of the scene and sometimes my preview camera randomly follows him as well. I looked at the translation key I have it on the very first frame...More
Summary: 1. For PNG rendering, Depth map and Distance map bitmaps are only 8bit, while RGB and all other channels are 16 bit. 2. RGB images are 72DPI, Depth Images are 96DPI...More