Hello, while editing a complex project with many props and materials, I found that it would be very handy to have a way to disable the GI settings for all the props and all the the materials of a prop. Obviously, if this can be done with the forthcoming Python API, there will be no need to...More
We have physics in the UI and the physics toolbox. Both are OK, but we sure could use some improvements in the physics toolbox. Afterall, it was released 5 + years ago....More
I know Reallusion plans to improve the particle system in iClone. Would be perfect if any of NIVIDA FSX could be implemented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLAC69J-BM...More
I really believe that multiple GPU support should be implemented with PBR Rendering. Game engines support this feature which allows for a lot of extra "Juice" when it comes to rendering scenes. I think it would be a great feature to add, particularly when it comes to rendering resource heavy...More
In timeline view when changing cameras, can we have a (big fat) solid rectangle that states "Camera1" or "Camera 2" etc (similar in size to the rectangle we see for animation)? So you can very easily see which camera is active in the timeline. Muvizu has a visual indicator like this and it...More
In reality we are sensitive, as humans, to the direction and quality of sound. The ability to build a soundscape adds a lot to the dramatic impact of any animation. At present you need to go via 3rd party packages such as Adobe After Effects which not all can afford....More
I have up-to-date copies of iClone 7 (7.0.619) and the Perception Neuron Plug-in. I ran Axis Neuron (current version, 3.6.32), setup my suit, then loaded iClone 7 and ran the Perception Neuron Plug-in. As soon as I click "connect" iClone 7 crashes to desktop without warning. I've tried: 1...More
I have an occasional issue where I add a new camera switch point on the Switcher track. The switch is made, but initially no key frame is inserted (see camera_switcher.png). There is no systematic way in which this occurs.The key frame usually appears when one of the other key frames if moved...More
Hello RL, I started to render a project and the progress bar started from 48% at frame 1 (half way....). Attached is a picture that shows the issue....More
Greeting, iC7 crashed on exit after work session. Session included only standard manipulations - scene construction, character posing and image rendering. I worked with several scenes but each scene included only single CC standard character in cloth with textures up-to 2k. Internet access...More