With a non standard character when you swap it for a different non standard character all expressiveness values are at a 100% on the character even as the values on the face key panel expression values is correct. To make the character match the values of the keyframes, I have click on every...More
Just following the workflow as discribed here i get some unexspected result. iClone Pipeline Tutorial - Applying Motions from iClone to 3DS Max CS Biped Characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQGYoPC7llo...More
I changed the speed on a motion clip to make it slower (longer in time) this is causing the paste of motion layer keys to end up at the wrong frame. Reproducible bug: Change the speed of a motion clip to go slower....More
Hi, I am using iClone 7.22 german and I decided to get back to some old files to rerender them. to my disbelief now my main female character has severe render problems regarding the hair. In previous renders her hair in animation was rendered pretty well and suddenly I can see through layers...More
I would like to be able to do in 1 button of saving all materials for 1 character when saving all textures. That would be extremely handy and a good time saver....More
When spotlight or shadow caster beam angle is blunt (above 150 degrees or so) and the soft shadow is ON, objects receive patterned stripes. Stripes width and angle would vary depending on beam angles (XYZ). It is most noticeable while beam angle is close to 180 by any axis, that is when stripes...More
Projects are saved fine but I can't seem to open them. I have 2 GTX 970 Video cards, 32 GB of host memory and i7 4GHz and over 40 GB of SSD and the project files aren't that big -usually consisting of a character, animations and maybe an imported mp3. I attached an example....More