Issue 3986
Spotlight or Shadow Caster with blunt beam angles generate patterned stripes on objects.
When spotlight or shadow caster beam angle is blunt (above 150 degrees or so) and the soft shadow is ON, objects receive patterned stripes. Stripes width and angle would vary depending on beam angles (XYZ). It is most noticeable while beam angle is close to 180 by any axis, that is when stripes are uniformly transformed into various shapes. Setting Soft Shadow OFF clears the object surface. But then shadows become extremely sharp with jagged edges.
The temporary workaround I have found is to change the shadow type for the object from "All Shadows" to any other (cast, receive, none), which might not be acceptable depending on scene setup.
Sample project is here:
Submitted by4u2ges
Jul 20, 2018