Cannot download the updated Hand Gestures Puppeteering 2.0 and Smooth Camera Follow 2.0, The shopping cart seems to lock me off from completing the transaction because I have it already. That may be so yet I cannot download the updated version to install. Could you assist? Regards... Don...More
I have just purchased the $500 under the assumption that the content mentioned in the less expensive bundles to be included with the so called "ultimate" version, however upon closer inspection, you only receive a license for Icloud7 when paying for the less expensive versions, and are forced...More
Could you please make it possible to have a remote kinect send data from one laptop (without iClone) to a networked PC with iClone? I know you can do it because you already do it with the LiveFace app on the iPhone. All the data can be stored in JSon and streamed over the network. I've seen...More
I can see 'Smooth' in the Curve Editor, but it's flaky at best and a very blunt tool with no real control. Can we please have a frame reduction algorithm in the main iClone timeline - ideally something that can be applied to individual key layers, rather than just to a whole clip. A few different...More
Since updating to iClone 7.8 the Avatar / puppet controller now sits inside the scene window with the avatar and assets where it works - very badly. If I click the maximise button ie then vacates the scene window and I can drag and drop it where I want, but it is no longer attached to the avatar...More
We need a Level Of Detail System in order to have an easier time working on larger or more detailed scenes in real time. I'm not referring to just the iTree props. I mean allow us to import a prop and set different mesh transitions to reduce GPU load. Then allow us to disable the transitions...More
Exposing the keys of a motion track using Sample Motion Clip Optimize results in a sliding issue. A side by side comparison can be seen in the below youtube video link, with two avatars using the same motion. Once the keys are exposed using Sample Motion Clip Optimize for the avatar on the...More