When a few new models are added to the iclone scene, my system's 6GB 1660ti graphics get involved For example, in the photo below Total system resources are consumed, and it very hot...More
When using the morph creator, trying to morph between two CC3 generated morph character can result in an invalid morph. It looks like the vertex ordering is different creating issue. What's odd is that the body get wrong **only** if clothes are exported with it. Step to reproduce: 1. Create...More
1. Made a character model in CraracterCreator for iClone(Female Character). 2. Trying to import into iClone 7. 3. Application error and crash(bad memory)....More
Moving from animating and rigging in C4d or any other softwar, I think it would really be helpful and increase animation speed if we could get the motion layer IK controls over the bones in the viewport, creating a sort of rig to animate with. selecting bones and/or options from the edit motion...More
whenever my pc plays a clip in timeline either by adding a motion clip, using motion puppet , playing back clip, or using popcorn editor (SIMULATE) my computer freezes every few seconds. I even upgraded to a new computer only to find the problem still exists with this one too. It only happens...More
Hi, I am creating an animation where the car accelerates from idle and then accelerates several times. But in each acceleration I decided that fire comes out of the exhaust, the fire comes out in each acceleration but when the fire does not exist, the light of the fire still exists. And I...More
After about 5 rewinds in the timeline project crashes but it doesn't crash if I manually enter frame 1 and press enter. There seems to be a hesitation in iClone when pressing rewind. Possible Solution:...More
After downloading free plugin , nothing happens when I click on Beard icons. I get thrown into the Smart Gallery tab every time. Do you guys test this before making it available for use???...More
This is not an option in IClone. It is an option in CC3. It should also be in IClone. Also - this option should work properly in CC3. Just unchecking this option does not work in CC3. You must uncheck it, then another option so that the Export preset changes to Custom. Only then does it work...More
Step to reproduce issus 1.open any project with cc3 base and send the file via unreal live link 1.2. 2. play xsens mocap data and send to iclone 7....More