When using the Edit Motion Layer to do key frame animation, the locks to hold the hands and feet in a set location fail if the root bone is moved. The hands and feet move in arcs between the keys, returning to the proper location only at the keys. So in between keys, they move instead of remaining...More
Not sure at which point it got broken, but when iClone is closed and avatar is sent from CC2 or CC3, the iClone would open, but no avatar would be transferred. You need to click "Send character to iClone" button in CC once more to have it transfer....More
It just won't let me in, no matter what I do it crashes. I updated everything, including reinstalling. My computer has more than enough power to operate it, with 8 GB ram, 64-bit operating system, duel processor 1.8 & 2.4, NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M display adapter. Does anyone know what I could...More
Computer graphic motion is too predictable. There should be an easy way to add a touch of random motion to props, cameras, even avatars that could be used for camera shake, to make a car subtly vibrate while driving, or an avatar shake uncontrollably when he touches a live electric wire....More
could we please have an auto breathe motion option for avatars (just like autoblink) added to iClone. Something as simple as a breathing motion can really go a long way in assisting to bring the avatar alive thanks...More
It would be great for iClone to be able to render not just VR360 mono content, but also to be able to do this Vr360 or even VR180 stereoscopically. The environment makes it possible to do this and appreciate technically it not as simple....More
PATH tool Please add an option for the object/avatar to remain in position when released from a path. At the moment, as soon as you release an object/avatar part way along or at the end of a path, it jumps back to the beginning of the path. There doesn't seem to be an option to prevent this...More
Hi, Everything was fine with the trial versions of Motion Live plugin and Iphone X Live face setup. I desinstalled the trial versions (Motion Live & Iphone Live plugins), installed the fresh bought ones......More