iClone 7
Issue 5424
Iclone7 crash when preview iphonelive
Everything was fine with the trial versions of Motion Live plugin and Iphone X Live face setup.
I desinstalled the trial versions (Motion Live & Iphone Live plugins), installed the fresh bought ones...

Now nothing works, each time i connect Live face and try to "preview" or "REC", Iclone crashes as soon as i click on "preview".

Nothing as changed, nor my setup (cpu ie7, GTX1080) nor my software setup (connection to my iphoneX is ok)
Quite disappointed right now because we have to present our solution to our client by end of the week and cannot imagine show them our work with a trial one without be sure that the bought one will work.. ;(...

Any ideas ? (Our Iclone is the latest version, already have reinstalled iphone app etc...without success)

IClone Log (without my serial displayed on this forum) :

Tx by advance,
OS: Windows 10
  •  8
  •  2440
Submitted bylionel.blondeau Nov 26, 2018
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lionel.blondeau Nov 30, 2018
2 things to say :
Thank you for your reactivity
Thank you for your simple solution provided, even if the bug was something simple !
ok for real hub, it'll simplify the process...
Now everything worrks perfectly !
Thread closed with success ! 

Best regards from french west indies !
Feedback Tracker Admin Nov 30, 2018
Hi, lionel,

We found that the version of your Motion Live Plug-in is v1.0, please update to version v1.01 to match with LIVE FACE Profile v1.0.

You can download the patch for Motion Live Plug-in v1.01 from here:

Suggest that you can use Reallusion Hub to manage your installation of our software, it will help to check the dependency and always provide you the latest versions.

Please let us know whether the issue still exist after you patch the Motion Live Plug-in to v1.01?

lionel.blondeau Nov 29, 2018
ok i'm sorry , i misunderstood...

Here's the file (dmp+log).

Iclone 7 works perfectly, but crash only when Motion live plugin is launched, AND only after Live data is open on iphone AND connected to IClone.

Sometimes IC7 crashes when "Preview" button or Rec button are clicked on the Motion live panel , sometimes only on linkening live face app via the online button in Clone ( the green border  button which became full green)

I reinstalled LiveFace and livemotion without success, same crash :(

Feedback Tracker Admin Nov 29, 2018
Hi, lionel,

I have got the log file from your original post, but we also need the crash dump file.

The log file records the launching process of iClone. If the crash occurred during launching time, we can review the log file to find out which process caused iClone to break. But in this case, the crash was occurred while you are operating iClone, then we need the crash dump file to trace the process down to the crash point.

Please download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the crash dump.

lionel.blondeau Nov 28, 2018
IClone Log (without my serial displayed on this forum) :

i just erased the serial number as this thread is public
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