Here is a code to show the issue I'm having. To test it, you want to put some image named "image.jpg" to the same folder as the script, it will be used as texture. import os, time, math, random, RLPy, PySide2, copy from winreg import *...More
Removing a Perform motion that changes a character's position then reapplying the same motion no longer causes the character's position to change. Example: 1. Open iClone and load the base male avatar. 2. Apply the Mason persona....More
If you open a project that includes avatar animation and apply Animation>Remove Scene Animation>Keep First Frame It doesn't register as an undoable event? There is no asterisk in the title bar, nothing? [UPDATE]...More
I have spoke about this before , Character resizing during animation . Such events might be how hulk changes , how Pop Eye has his arms bulge after eating spinniach , some one may want to mutate someone after being in contact with toxic waste .. A wizard or witch may wanna shrink a victim...More
I have an avatar and when setting his right hand to reach for a dummy on a gun, that works. But if I open up the details and set Reach Mode: Rotation (but not both) on, I get a blue spinny circle and a crash. To reproduce: Load the project....More
Smooth camera follow python script doesnt work as it should as many times as i tried, always happens the same i have attached the project to see...More
I am giving you the project. I have rendered on different computers and get the same results. GTX1080 Ti11Gb , Intel 18 Core i9 9980XE, Mem 128 DDR4, not a computer problem... Get the Project here:...More