I would like to suggest a table of shortcuts for the Headshot Help. Was not able to find "shortcut" or "shortcuts" in it. Somewhere in the videos i remember shortcuts like shift+q for example were mentioned, but a list of them in the help would be faster and easier to go through....More
I notice I can make 3d from a frontal picture. This is super. However, how about those of us who wants to be accurate. Can Headshot allow for more accuracy by aligning front picture with left/right picture and 45 degree picture? This feature would allow for less adjustment and manual fixing...More
I don't know if this is an issue... but it is still very annoying. Let's take a simple example: I have a cap that I keep in "accessory" mode. I save it in my "content" and indicate that it is a head accessory (of course I have attached my cap to the head bone). So far so good, however... if...More
CC4 crashes when I try to import my mayaFBX Character with arkit. I can import it into iclone 8/Unity/Blender no problem, but its not set up. But when I try to import into CC4 it crashes everytime. How do I fix this?...More
I've been trying to make muscular characters in CC. But for some reason, the upper arm, particularly the bicep, is twisted. Instead of the bicep flexing at the top of the arm, it flexes in the middle. The more muscular the character, the worse it looks!...More
Hello, i would like to bring this issue back up because its not been answered properly. As far i understand , the user asked why his char does not appear in the pose that he had previously stored into his library/iavatar (not the project file !) https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue...More
I've tried importing base characters into UE5 and continue having hand/finger warping issues. These are fresh installs of the engine and CC4 ( I also did Iclone and had the same result). You can see in the attached picture how off four the fingers are, bending past the palm. the base UE mannequin...More
Currently, to my knowledge. there is not easy way of skin weighting clothing like this. while the presets work for the lower portion (below the neck,) anything above will clip through the head, having a setting for the clothing layers, or having a vertex assignment for the head (like there...More