CC4 crashes when I try to import my mayaFBX Character with arkit. I can import it into iclone 8/Unity/Blender no problem, but its not set up. But when I try to import into CC4 it crashes everytime. How do I fix this?...More
Hi! I'm seeing problems related to the shaders when exporting CC4 autosetup to Unreal Engine. For example, this black character I made adjustments to the chest area using skinGen and the chest looks different in Unreal than in CC4 in "lit mode" - it appears a lot darker and doesn't match...More
It's great that mesh smoothing on export has been added. It would be extra useful to have a check box for "just smooth head" or maybe a masking system. Much of the body isn't seen when it's hidden by clothing, etc, so this would be a nice optimization technique when porting to a gaming platform...More
Hello its taken me a while to bring this up but i think there is an issue with character exports from CC4 to Unreal if you wish to combine iClone Animation. If you export a character from CC4 to Unreal you get a bone added called cc3_base_plus. ( I assume this is off what ever base your using...More
After selecting the materials for the teeth, tongue, and eyes for merging(merging materials will not change the model) The morph slider at the corresponding position will be lost This issue did not occur in the previous version...More
Create a new project by adding the default Kevin model, then export to FBX. Under Advanced Settings, choose "Mouth Open as Morph", and export the FBX. (Use whatever other target and options you like.) Normally, when exporting to FBX, the model will have four character meshes: CC_Base_Body...More
1.Open the Reallusion Hub. 2. Open Character Create in the product. 3. Wait a few moments and Character Create will open and a white screen will appear....More
In the morph animator and or morph creator, there should be separate sliders for the left side and the right side. If you want your character to flex one arm only, you can't. Or if you want your character to show swelling from an injury to one leg or arm, you can't. If you have separate sliders...More