Issue 10772
CC4/iClone Charater Bug in Bones
Hello its taken me a while to bring this up but i think there is an issue with character exports from CC4 to Unreal if you wish to combine iClone Animation. If you export a character from CC4 to Unreal you get a bone added called cc3_base_plus. ( I assume this is off what ever base your using) even if you check the delete extra pivot button it still will import into Unreal. Now if you were to export the same character from iClone 8 you will not have that the extra bone in the skeleton. The problem now is any animation that you do inside of iClone will not be compatible with the CC4 Avatar due to this extra bone that is added in the export. I have provided images below showing this and the settings used in export.
Submitted byExE Production
Sep 17, 2023