Hello, i think this is a bug. Step 1- Freshly Start CC4,23 , Open a project, click Modify->Edit Facial , bring headshot panel into foreground, note expected look of character, note headshot setting Step 2- Now click on Headshot, activate Sculpt Morph, and deactivate it, click Modify->Edit...More
I've been experimenting with different Export settings trying to get the bulk of the 100+ Digital Soul facial expressions into Unity 3D. Through my couple hours of testing I found that only when using the "Current Animation" selection of the Export FBX settings was I able to import the facial...More
I am up to date with the latest version of all Reallusion products. I've been having issues with morph sliders not showing up. Uninstalling and re-installing do not seem to help. The asset folders point to the same place but I get nothing. Template>Reallusion Templates> Is there a fix for...More
After using Headshot1.0 to add a head to a cc3+ body, the command to send to Iclone seems to work, but Iclone says "failed to load file". I have tried various bodies, all cc3 or cc3+ but nothing seems to work. I have also tried to save the figure as an iAvatar. But iclone 8 will not import...More
I'm finding that the Body mesh of a model is clipping through the Scalp mesh when using Blendshapes in Unity. To set this up, I've simply created a new CC4 project, and dropped the default Kevin character into it, and exported the FBX for Unity. I then use Unity AutoSetup to finish bringing...More
Proportion/ Move and Rotate cannot be edited within numerical boxes in CC4. They can be edited on the boned model with the Gizmo but not in the numerical boxes....More