There is a ton of potential with the Material Merge (UV) option for game dev. It can potentially save a lot of draw calls on a character. The problem is that there is no way to change what might need to be higher resolution. A good example is with hair. If I want to combine a beard, mustache...More
Breathing is fundamental in giving life to a character and because of this it should be a normal feature of iClone/CC. It is beyond me why this is not so. Currently for us to make an avatar breathe we need to create a second version with sliders set in different positions to the original. This...More
Please add a list of undo and re-do actions to CC4 so I can see where I went wrong when I re-trace my steps when I click the undo button. Excel provide this list of actions in their undo & re-do tab, why can't you?...More
99% of the time when I'm working with morphs, I only want to use the morphs that affect both Left and Right simultaneously. (For example, "Brow Width", versus "Brow Width L" and "Brow Width R".) Having all those extra sliders around makes it more tedious to scroll through. I'd like a quick...More
Reallusion may ask for the Ornatrix Hair *render engine* to work for all users as a low cost plugin in iC8 but for creators as a full functional tool it's typically an expensive but can bring a lot of realism to the characters! Personally I'm using it to create Fur for my Characters and aim...More
I'm used to CC asking me if I want to download new content upon opening the program. ("New content found, would you like to update now?") However, since updating to 4.33, it asks me this every time I open the program, even if I continuously close and reopen it. I always say Yes, to download...More
One of the biggest irritations working with Character Creator is that you have to export the character mesh with the eyelashes attached. It's more than a little irritating to work with in Zbrush or for sculpting because you're having to deal with the eyelashes getting in the way of sculpting...More
Hi RealIlusion Team, I've just tried to export the Camila character in fbx format by going to File/Export/FBX/Clothed Character. I get the Warning: You have 30 times remaining on your current license. I clicked Ok and the "Export FBX" popup appears. Under the Target Tool Preset, there is a...More