Dear Reallusion, we’re in dare need of your products on Linux. You produce incredible packages (a little too pricy though), but more and more artists migrating from Windows to Linux and it’s fantastic time to start supporting those of us who already did or will do so soon. Not mentioning that...More
There is a bug happening in cc4 when exporting head mesh for metahuman it doesn't allow the "high" quality option in the drop-down selection. it says for the high option you need to bake the textures at 4k in the skin editor but no matter if you do that or even select the stock character base...More
Hello, I'm actually following tutorials to create props imported from external content like Sketchfab, And sometimes the quality of the mesh is not as good as it could be,...More
Hello, I made character in CC4, exported to Unreal 5 (working on both versions 5.3 and 5.4). I want to connect face meshes to Live Link, but I can't find good solution how to make blueprint for animation controlled by Live Link. I saw on internet that for CC3 (i guess) there is a couple of...More
Customer Support advised me to report this here. This is a detailed report concerning Issue 11230 First, customer support thought Issue 11230 could be solved by disabling Mipmapping, but...More
im facing a issue where i want to buy some here that fits my character. but the download limit for trails is holding me back. i already bought many contents. somehow i would like to see that the limits of trail downloads can go up. it is now holding me back to buy more content....More
First of all: I am a very Big Fan of Realilusion and theyr Products !!!!!! I very much love Realusion and the developers of this Company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But: In times where we soon will face War in Europe and the Internet can get down, we need urgently the Manuals as PDF downloud...More
Hello, After I have loaded an image and checked "Activate sculpt morph" the sliders on the right of the screen do work but I can't use the area's on the head of my character with my mouse. It doesn't work. See image in attachment....More