Since the latest version of CC4 all the file paths of the Make up & SFX are broken. I've tried reinstalling but no luck. There was no issue like this in the previous version....More
I've tried manual update, auto update, close and open viewport, setting to "view all"(works for the default view) tried setting to spherical lens, removed from preview selected list, changed render output size. Every resolution and camera type change I've tried, I'd Zoom in but the Iray...More
for a character when i try to edit the mesh for the shoe, it is not letting me edit the shoe , pull and push nothing working. those were working initially....More
After exporting my character as an FBX, with the goal of designing and animating within Maya using the included rig and facial expression blendshapes, there is a weird bug with the head/face part of the geometry. The local, relative positions of all the vertices and faces snap to a location...More
I have a big issue with this. When you've lined up your camera angles just right for weight painting such as 8inside the mouth for example but after you realize you need to scale a bone from that perspective and open up proportions, it takes you out of your ideal view that took you a long time...More
Clothing on Soft Cloth body enabled might have been possible but here is an issue I pointed out in the past before the last update.. ----> in the timeline--- when physics is enabled on a body character, ---there is no soft cloth flag --like all other soft cloth enabled clothing has and this...More