i installed cc4 thru 'reallution hub' 8hr ago, and uninstalled 1 hr ago. and i reinstalled now because i'd like to try 'head shot', but cc4 trial expired notify. i am very beginner on cc4, i think it's my mistake check the try button in 'head shot' thinking 'head shot' is individual progrma...More
I've edited my base character with extra bones to be dedicated and labeled "spring joints" I show the result of movement in the attached video by adding joints in key locations. I further recommend you allow batch import of joints built into the character identified as "SpringJoint" with...More
There are a few frames added to the Facial Morph editor that add to your custom morphs even though in the animation bar it states "current frame" If this is done on purpose so users can expand there facial morph library from existing facial animations, a suggestion then: -maybe when creating...More
Hi there, has there been a solution for merge material crash yet? Every time I export rather complex character (eg. char with full cloth) using merge material option the export progress always stops at around 75%, while simple characters can be exported using this option without any issue....More
1 - Create a new project with UE4.27.2 / Template "Thrid Person" ( with plugin Reallusion "Auto_Setup" 1.22 or 1.23 ) 2 - Export a character with Unreal setup from Character Creator 4.02 3 - Import the character in UE4.27.2 project with the UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton...More
Selecting any CC4 supplied actor. Then Appling African male skin and head morph template produces a watermark over actor. Installed path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Templates\Avatar Preset\Head Morph Skin\Human Anatomy/Male African.ccAvatarPreset...More
Hi, As the title suggests: When working on a stylized character or morph you want to emphasize... there are times that you need to overdrive a morph value in the modify panel to get a result you are after or a base to take over to ZBrush or Blender. Unfortunately, once you type in a "over...More
Hi, thanx for your great product - we are using Character Creator 4 intensely. But we are severely limited for our use case since the manual creation of a new character takes so much time. It would be immensely helpful if there would be a way to automate (random) creations of characters (we...More