I propose a collection of base clothing templates with UVs. Each template should have preset morphs for lengthening, loosening, different wrinkle looks and styles. (Example) Workflow 1. (Collection menu) Add COLLAR SHIRT template to character,...More
I updated the CC3 to the 3.32 version, a message popped up saying the Headshot will be removed and need to update in order to use it in the latest version. I tried to find the link on the website and under Add ons > Headshot> Support > Updates. But there's a link on 'how to update', but no...More
I know Unity is constantly updating but if your team could please add an asset in the Unity Asset Store please so it's easy to find and update. If that is not possible if you could please update the Auto-Setup Unity package you have provided us with to work with Unity version 2019.4.8 because...More
When working with the library, it can get cluttered very quickly. One piece of clothing can easily have 5-15 colour variations. Moving these variations to a second tab, would make it a lot faster to scroll through, and find what you want. Having an option to stack / unstack the library would...More
Hi I would like to ask for a feature that would be very helpful. In Unity I use the characters to work with AI, and something that would be VERY helpful for mem and I believe for every people who use the Characters for games and realtime 3D, would be to be able to export the preset emotions...More
Hi, i would like to know how to make random character by pressing one buton. i work on a Game and neeed almost 100 enemies, but with hand its a mess. hope you can help me....More