be cool if you could add cloth dynamics like in marvelous designer so as the cloth falls right, coz at the mo cloth seems to be sticking to the mesh base....More
Bottom line is, that Shoes (specially High Heels), which were created before the latest release do not fit/conform well and despite strong effort to fit them in CC, they require fitting, rigging and weighting all over again in an external app on a new CC3+ Base. Trying to convert CC1/CC3 Base...More
Manual options to change the outcome of the uv merge. Some priority or multiplier value would do. There needs to be any way to manually set the maximum size, an object/type can take in the final UV map. Right now i am trying to export a female character, where the hair and eye UV takes up...More
I'm having problems with character creator 3.1. it wont startup. when i try to open, the small popup screen appears and dissapears a few seconds after. i also looked at the taskmanager but there is nothing to be found....More
Eyelashes need to be a separate mesh in order to texture it properly into Unity as the body and eyelashes are one object you can’t set a transparency map to it without it affecting the body...More
I try to create new body morph slider in CC3 from Daz but is not seems to work correctly.The whole body moves a little when i put the slider on. Not so god when you gonna animate in iclone. This body morphs dont work correct in iclone morph creator either. Is there someone who can explain the...More
The devs already know that a bump map coming in from Daz (or anywhere, really) needs to be turned down (and on the "Import All Textures" routine they have a file where they save the bump strength settings, among other things, and by default it's at 15 or so). For the ini file that loads in...More
As Iray preview render uses screen resolution, it becomes difficult to use on a 40 inch 4K screen (3840x2160 is recomended settings). This despite the fact that I reduced GI bounces two 8. Would not like to reduce the resolution for all other programs....More
When using the CC3 smoothing, it doesn't keep the information when exporting it as an .FBX. It would be nice to have a smoothing option that lasts outside if the Reallusion suite....More